From Aircraft to Hair Craft: MEET SIERRA
A little bit about Sierra
I got into the hair industry in 2019, so I have been doing hair for about four years now. It’s definitely what I was meant to do and I couldn't imagine doing anything else. Just coming into the salon every day and seeing new and familiar faces— and making everyone feel beautiful in their own skin. I love it more than anything.
From Aircraft to Hair Craft
I joined the military in 2012, where I did air traffic for about eight years. I eventually decided that air traffic wasn't the way to go because I craved fuel for my creative fire and I wanted to do a job that I’m genuinely passionate about.
My post-9/11 GI Bill from the military completely covered cosmetology school. So I was able to use my military experience toward what I actually wanted to do.
The Element of Transformation
What drew me to hairstyling the most is the element of transformation. The before and after. I love having someone come in with their hair in one state and I’m given the opportunity to completely change it, and they leave looking like a totally new person. It’s so fulfilling knowing someone is walking away feeling like their best self.
Go-To Salon Duckfeet Style
My fåborgs add a whole new layer of style. They're statement pieces. Plus I can wear them with a dress, with pants, shorts… honestly everything. They elevate the whole look. And the colors are fantastic because they're not your typical shoe colors. They’re all around outside the box.
Duckfeet Inspo
I came across Duckfeet about a year or so ago when one of my friends was wearing the boots. And as soon as I saw them, I was like, “I want those.” The look of them…the shape…they’re just different from anything else you see all the time.
“Dye-ing” for a Second Pair
I'm on my feet all day and I'm able to wear these shoes for my whole shift. And then afterwards they're comfortable for the entire day. I don't ever feel like they're hurting me, which is actually incredible because I have really sensitive feet.
I need special shoes that I can be in all day long. What I found with Duckfeet is that the insoles are very comfortable. They’re one of the most comfortable shoes that I own, truthfully. I can't wait to get a second pair!
A Different Day In Her Shoes
Outside of work, my fiance and I have a miniature Aussie. She’s super smart and knows so many tricks. We bring her with us everywhere we go…to the mountains, to the beach…she’s like our child.