Made with Love

Duckfeet are Made with Love
Every pair of Duckfeet is made with love. Thoughtfulness and transparency have been our values since day one, visible through honoring the tradition of shoe craftsmanship and ensuring good working conditions during production, down to sourcing materials ethically and responsibly.
The Hands that craft them
Duckfeet have been handcrafted in the same Polish factory for decades. Based in a location known for a history rich with the tradition of shoe-crafting, it is now the only remaining shoe factory in the town. Duckfeet is proud to produce here with heart, honoring generations of tradition and good working conditions for everyone involved.
The people who make your Duckfeet are genuinely interested in their work and share feeling valued by their workplace and employers. Want to get an inside look at how Duckfeet are made? Take a virtual tour of the factory below:
Love for Simplicity & Honesty
When the Wiechmann family founded Duckfeet in 1975, they did so with the foundational pillars of simplicity and honesty. Nearly 50 years later, we’re still operating with those same values. Chances are you love wearing Duckfeet for the same reasons we do: they’re unique yet classic, eye-catching but simple, and they don’t pretend to be something they’re not.

Sourced Responsibly
Your Duckfeet are made from materials sourced entirely within Europe: natural crepe soles from Italy, wool from various European farms, and leather from Germany and the Netherlands.
terracare® Leather
The leather used to craft each pair is from ethically sourced and produced by terracare® Leather, a fourth-generation German tannery. terracare® declares itself as the “leather that cares about the environment.” By utilizing an extremely high recycling rate, lowering CO2 emissions, needing less water, and using clean auxiliary materials during production, we love terracare® for it’s longevity and sustainability. Learn more about how terracare® prioritizes sustainability on their website.
What do you Love
What do you love most about Duckfeet? Share in the comments below!